Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Top 10 Reasons for not reading the Top 10 lists

Top 10 Reasons for not reading the Top 10 lists

So, if you haven't noticed, the web has become saturated with Top 10 lists.  Whether it be "best rooftop lounges", "healthy foods that are bad for you" or one of my favorites from last week, "most overrated US cities" these lists seem to have become so ubiquitous, I've begun to wonder whether there's an ulterior motive at work here.   Turns out -- shockingly, there is.  Here are the perfect ingredients for advertisers, people seem to love these lists, companies are willing to pay to be on them and most importantly, why not get 10 clicks for the price of one?  Take the last point, if you've ever read one of these lists (which undoubtedly you have), you know that a simple one page list of "worst celebrity chefs in America" isn't what you're going to get.  Rather, it loads one item at a time requiring you to click next 10 times - not cool for reading on your phone or skimming a top 50 list.  But, for the website this means 10x the page views for the same content.  Next, in an effort to feed these lists writers have reached to the depths of editorial latitude, often even contradicting their own lists in back-to-back lists -- making one wonder, "Top 10 according to who??".  Lastly, and maybe most disappointing, many times these lists are paid for by the companies featured on them.  So, when we finally click through to the "#1 beach bar in the world" and it’s located in the Jersey Shore -- well you know....


1 comment:

  1. Best Burger in NYC: Five Guys
    Best Pizza in NYC: Lombardi's
    Best Beaches in America: Hamptons

    Seriously? A greasy second rate fast food burger is the best NYC has to offer and I have only been to about 10 carribean beaches but all 10 rank above anything I have seen on the east coast. Blue crystal clear water or water you could start your car with. I am glad to see that someone else is just as irritated with these lists as I am.

    I think this comes down to basic statistics and money. Some people buy their way on to the list and the others just make it because of geography.


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