Saturday, August 03, 2013

AdChoice Icon not being used by Twitter - is this a big deal?

Today I was reading a posting regarding the fact that Twitter is not leveraging AdChoice's little blue triangle icon :     AdChoices icon, which you won't see on Twitter

Apparently this is bothering the AdChoice consortium partners who are hoping to gain momentum with their icon to stave off government regulation.

It seemed a bit odd to me though, as a regular internet user, I tend to maintain my "security comfort zone" via my browser settings, I have never noticed this blue triangle before and frankly I'm not sure I would click on it or trust it if I did.

What really seems to matter is that companies like Twitter are making it easier for users to set their own comfort levels as to ad tracking via direct and clear instructions in the 'settings' area of the sites.  If AdChoices is looking to gain more trust - I think it needs to do a better job of B2C education/marketing.

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