Saturday, August 03, 2013

Google Chromecast - what does it mean?

Google announced a new device ‘Chromecast’  that takes content currently playing on a mobile device like laptop, tablet or mobile phone and displays it on TV.  Watching content from the Web on TV is not new  - most new TVs that are webconnected,.  Similarly, watching on TV content playing on a laptop is old news,  TVs come with HDMI or R232 socket that allow you to connect to a laptop.

So what makes Google Chromecast different?  Is it a noteworthy event?  I believe the difference comes from the ease with which the display can be switched in-between TVs and the mobile devices.  It is easier to access online content from laptops and mobile devices compared to the inconvenience of searching using the keys on a TV remote.

I expect a faster growth in the consumption of online content with Google Chromecast.   It is going to be easier for consumers to avoid content with advertising; creating new challenges to CMOs and positions Google even deeper at the heart of all information gathering and tracking.  

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