Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mobile is the Future but Culturally We’ll need to Adapt

Mobile is the Future but Culturally We’ll need to Adapt

I’m a firm believer in many technology aficionados prediction that mobile technology is the future; many would argue the “connected” world has already made the transition.  I would say Yes and No.

Sure, if you want to make a 6 second funny video on Vine or upload a breaking news story to YouTube from your mobile is definitely the trend.  Collectively the Internet using population, for purely social reasons, has made the jump.  However, what about major life events? Would you use your mobile device to submit a resume online (those services that require a little more information than uploading a cover letter and resume), submitting a college application, or completing that 20 page report for your boss?  In most cases no.

In order for us (us = internet using people) to completely make the change it will require institutions to also adapt to the growing trend.  Will education institutions, corporations, etc. make everything mobile friendly? Since most of these organizations are slow movers on new technology I think we are a ways off (10 years) from truly being a mobile device dependent society but we’re close.  All it takes is some genius entrepreneur to disrupt the system and make it easy for “The Man” to take the plunge.

What do you think? Are we closer than I think?

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