Saturday, August 03, 2013

Why was the DollarShaveClub video such a success???

This video was also used in some other marketing courses at CBS. It was always the example of how to use the “new” media as a way to reach your target audience at no costs.

I was interested in why exactly this video has been going viral and wanted to understand what the drivers of its success are. After some research I found an interview with the CEO (also starring in the video) of DollarShaveClub on Youtube. In the interview he explains why he thinks they were so successful.

  • Content of the video
    • Very clear business proposition (fulfilling a real need) which makes up a nice story
    • Don’t give too much information (only one product promoted at the time)
    • Funny video what people like to share
    • Great casting? --> the actor was the CEO himself!
  •  Initial seeding of the video:
    • They used the PR around their funding to seed the video in the tech world (initial seeding is key), later it got picked up by the mainstream presh
  • Continuous customer engagement
    • Social platforms (Twitter and Facebook) were used to engage with promoters
    • Blog with allows for engagement with customers (idea sharing)
But what were the results? 2 weeks after launch the company had signed up more than 12.000 subscribers.

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