Sunday, September 29, 2013


New Bing logo
New Bing logo.
First, and finally, Bing has updated its visual identity. The new look was launched earlier this month and marks the beginning of not only Bing's branding make-over, but also an upgrade to its user experience.

What is it all about? Well, let me start with a question: what do you wish you had more of? If you answered "time" then you are getting at the crux of Bing's new gig -- faster, more anticipatory searches that are visually inspiring and compete directly with Google's "autocomplete" function. Bing's Page Zero aggregates and updates real-time the best search results for what you are, well, searching. Lets look an example from Bing's blog:
Page Zero.
If you search for San Francisco Giants, Bing generates results based on the top links that people click on directly on the search-box page, or Page Zero. Best of all, Bing shows you the results you care most about with regard to the baseball team -- scores, tickets, images, news, etc -- from the most legitimate sources. Page Zero refers to the fact that with Bing you don't have to go to a "results" page to retrieve what you are looking for because Bing, in theory, knows exactly what you want and will show you real-time results. I love the idea, but I'm curious to know what the impetus is for SEO and SEM -- will websites just have to make their pages that much better (with links and popularity)? Will paying to have your result displayed at the top of a results page not carry as much value because searchers will inevitably bypass that "page one" due to Bing's search enhancements?

As a sucker for the underdog, I'm looking forward to future improvements for Bing.


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