Monday, September 30, 2013

Digital Advertising Growing

Adspend numbers have just been released by ZenithOptimedia showing that digital marketing will make up 22% of all US adspend in 2013. While mobile is growing at a much faster rate (81% this year compared with internet's 16% growth rate), mobile is a much smaller contributor of the adspend, with only 3.7% market share. This breakdown does not segment mobile versus tablet - likely because Google no longer allows separate marketing by device. In the US, the entire digital marketing budget is estimated to be over $100B. That's a massive figure, only dwarfed by TV advertising. This indicates that there will be growing competition for adspends, however, it is curious to think that if Google is able to successfully roll out Google Fiber in major US cities that lack internet - then perhaps enough new users will use the platform that demand (ie internet searches) will increase with supply (the adspend growth rate), and we (as digital marketers) won't see a significant increase in digital advertising rates. If demand cannot keep up with supply, it's easy to see that advertising competition increases, prices rise per search term, and Google just gets bigger. -Elliot Check out the entire Techcrunch article on estimated Adspend.

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