Saturday, September 28, 2013

Googling Yourself

I recently read an article that stated that 56% of internet users have Googled themselves (up from 22% in 2001). While for some this may be a vanity matter, for most it is about reputation management as the article calls. Recruiters, school admissions, blind dates, etc. are all checking up on people online before making key decisions about them.

So really, I think this shift simply demonstrates the ever growing importance of social media and how crucial it is to stay on top of when considering our personal brand profile. Not only do people make decisions about us when they meet us, or when they get referrals from others about us, but now they are making judgements based on what we convey through our social media footprints.  And I don't think the answer is to hide and remove any/all social media usage because I think that may turn recruiters, admissions offices, etc. away as well.  Having no presence on social media simply says you aren't tapped into the world and you aren't relevant.  And no one wants that.

As with many things, it's about balance.  Finding the right amount of social media exposure that is relevant and in tune with your own personal interests and network without diluting and overexposing yourself.  And of course you must continue to check up on yourself to make sure you like what you see.

- Mallory Godwin

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