Saturday, October 19, 2013

2013 Startup School Highlights

Y Combinator, the world's most prolific incubator held the 2013 Startup School today. The event was livestreamed, featuring a who's who of the tech world. Below are some highlights from this year's talks:

Phil Lubin from Evernote:
  • Running a startup day-day is not fun, but watching the growth month - month is extremely gratifying
  • Build something you want - chances are there are millions of people who want it too
Ron Conway: SV Angel
  • Be decisive and fire fast
  • Whereas algorithm's used to be the source of competitive advantage, now its user experience and design
Chris Dixon: Hunch
Chase Adam: Founder, Watsi
  • 3 lessons from YC
    • Focus  
    • Network
    • Stamp of approval
To summarize from the day's talks: know what problem you are solving and for who, focus relentlessly on that problem, and build from experience. 

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