Monday, October 28, 2013

Ad Formats and Mobile Platforms

Mobile apps are a popular marketing tool for brands. But often times these mobile apps themselves need to be marketed so that consumers know that they exist in the first place. A popular way in which this is done is by placing ads on other apps, since a call to action can trigger immediate download.

With numerous ad formats available for mobile devices, which ones should advertisers choose? A recent report by inmobi reveals some useful insights that advertisers can use to determine what type of ads to place on which platforms. Comparing the two most popular mobile platforms,  the report shows that interstitials advertising mobile apps garner a conversion rate of 3.06% on Android versus 1.73% on iOS. In expandables advertising, iOS surpasses Android at 1.65% conversion versus 0.63%. The gap is much less in the effectiveness of text and banner ads between the two platforms, however with iOS in the  lead.

Another aspect to keep in mind for advertisers is the mobile app category in which their ads appear, as this too is different between iOS and Android.

Inspiration: eMarketer

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