Though Twitter’s service has become increasingly popular
since its debut in 2006, a limited 218 million user-base and slowing new user
growth has caused advertisers to pause and reevaluate Twitter’s merit in the
digital advertising spectrum. It’s almost unfair to compare Twitter to
Facebook, the latter of which boasts five times Twitter’s user-base and 72% of
all internet users, but that’s exactly what advertisers are doing with their
marketing budgets in an economy that has remained shaky. The issue at hand not
only stems from fewer users, but also the demographic that subscribes to
Twitter. It’s a comparatively younger crowd than Facebook, which has managed to
capture a diversified, global demographic with a treasure-trove of personal information
on each user.
Twitter, however, boasts a formidable asset in its popular
celebrity and media user-base. These users are followed by up to millions of
people, and are considered quite influential to their followers. The key is for
both Twitter and its advertisers to team up and tap into this opportunity. With
Twitter’s IPO looming in the coming months, the company is feeling increasing
pressure to boost revenue before going public. Clearly, Twitter’s move will be
to play to its strengths, tap into its user-base demographic, take advantage of
its “power users”—hopefully leading to more advertising dollars.
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