Monday, October 28, 2013

Google Testing Banner Ads

Reneging on a 2005 promise to never show banner ads on its homepage or web search results, Google has begun testing banner ads on its web search results page with about 30 advertisers in the US, including Southwest Airlines and Crate & Barrel.  This test allows advertisers to include a large image as part of the search ads that appear in response to certain branded queries.  The ads currently show for less than 5 percent of search queries.    

It will be interesting to see how much incremental value these banner ads actually provide in terms of click-through rate or brand awareness given that the user is already searching for the brand.  However an image of a gleaming new jet or a beautifully decorated living room that appears above the top search results could certainly help with brand reinforcement.  From a user experience perspective, it’s important that the ads don’t interfere with the existing placement of other ads and tab links, although a bit more scrolling down the page may now be required to see the search results.

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