Monday, October 21, 2013

Google to join Facebook Exchange

In class we learned about Facebook Exchange, a real-time bidding ad system that uses cookies to show targeted ads on a user’s Facebook’s sidebar that are related to their web browsing activity.  When the exchange launched, eight demand-side platforms were named as partners, including AppNexus and AdRoll.  Noticeably missing from the list though was Google’s DoubleClick Bid Manager, one of the most dominant ad buying platforms.  Now, over a year after its launch, Facebook Exchange has announced that Google will finally join the roster.

Under this partnership, Google’s advertisers can now buy targeted Facebook ads, thus increasing the volume of advertisers participating in the exchange and allowing Facebook to deliver better quality ads in real-time.  What this might mean for marketers is potentially higher prices due to more marketers bidding for Facebook ad slots.  With Google and Facebook still going at each other on the social media battleground, this announcement at least brings the two tech powerhouses together on the advertising front.   

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