Friday, October 18, 2013

Modern risk: 4 in every 10 companies shall disappear as a result of pure digital incompetency

The technology research company Gartner has published a study suggesting that until 2017, 1 in every 4 companies will become less competitive in case they don't adopt a strong digital strategy. According to the study, the main reason behind this threat is the migration of talented professionals to companies that offer better compensation plans.

Gartner also claims that a digital strategy is one of the main priorities of every decision maker in big companies: 1 in every 2 executives they've interviewed suggested they shall adopt new technologies so as to keep competitive.

What is more relevent, over the next decade this new technology will no longer be used only to automate processes - it will have the goals of increasing sales, grabbing market share and acquiring new customers. 

For more information, go to

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