Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Social Media for Small Business: Choose Wisely, Then Execute

I am currently working on a start-up and one of the areas where I had to really ramp up was my knowledge around social media. Although I have accounts on Facebook and twitter I wouldn't call myself a strong user of any of it. This article is a good intro on some of the bare minimum things that a person could do in the social media realm with limited time, knowledge and resource.

Some of the highlights of the article include suggestions on what to focus on if you have a limited budget/resources, which is the case for most new businesses:
  • Focus on the Website: No matter what your business is, your website is the central gathering place. This should be your biggest investment. 

  • You should make sure your website development takes into consideration SEO. If you built a good website so that search engines can easily find and classify the unique pages on your site, leave other SEO tactics alone for now. 
  • In a perfect world, you'd be present and responsive on every social network. This isn't a perfect world. When starting out, focus on one platform. Begin with Facebook if you're a B2C company and targeting an audience between the ages of 25 and 55. LinkedIn is a better bet if you're a B2B company. Twitter can work for both B2C and B2B but only choose this network if you know your audience spends most of their time on it. Google+ and Pinterest also has implications for search and social.

These are good suggestions and a simple way to focus in the early stages of launching a new business. 

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