Sunday, October 27, 2013

Twpple Hack - Connecting Small Businesses with Social Media

TechCrunch Disrupt Europe Hackathon saw Sam Gichuru and Billy Odero spend the night working on a hack to help small businesses promote themselves by tapping into social network influencers. The hack, called Twpple, is designed to help smaller outlets, such as kebab shops, market stalls, hair salons and any small businesses that haven’t built up its own digital following.

The hack uses Klout scores as a shortcut to identify individuals with the most social cachet that the SMEs can then tap into. The social influencers get paid for tweeting a series of messages which they would word themselves) about the business or promotions they are running — with small payments giving them an incentive to help businesses spread the word.

“If your Klout score is 25 you can get $2.50 for sending three tweets,” said Gichuru, during his on stage pitch. “We have called this ‘pay per influence.’”


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