Monday, November 25, 2013

Automated Ad Management Start-up Raises $3M in Seed Funding

Multichannel, a fully automated ad management start-up raised $ 3 million in seed funding from investors. By using this product, companies can save hours on spending time for managing the advertising channel. Multichannel solves many issues that cannot be fixed easily by doing it manually. The system is programmed to gain knowledge as it is used and through this knowledge, it comes up with a more effective ad plan. It constantly collects and analyzes data from all your ad campaigns and channels and gives recommendation in real time based on the analysis. The program can also detect click fraud which can reach up to 60% of the original cost of the ad.

It can also be used for international ad campaigns by solving the complex language, foreign currency and legal issues. Multichannel is the first universal digital marketing tool that is even effective in China. You can deliver your message to millions of web pages and mobile display our ads internationally through a single interface in your own language.

The advantage of Multichannel over other ad management products include lower costs for companies, less administrative tasks and potential unlimited scalability into ad channels across the world. It almost sounds too good to be true. 

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