Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A.T. Kearney released its Global Retail E-Commerce Index on Monday and China ranked number one. The firm analyzed 186 countries based on e-commerce market size, technology adoption, consumer trends, and growth opportunity.

The study emphasizes the importance of e-commerce and omnichannel in emerging markets, and gives insight into how preferences for consumption vary by region. For example, mobile phones per capita in Russia and the UAE exceeds that of developed countries including the US and France. This data points to the importance of marketers using multiple channels to develop international brand awareness and targeting regions differently based on their technology consumption preferences. However, the Index also illustrated the sophistication of consumers in developing markets, and the tendency for their technology preferences and adoption to mirror those of consumers in more developed nations. Marketers can apply this knowledge to develop programming that can be scaled across regions, reducing localization costs.

A.T. Kearney also bucketed the nations it analyzed into three categories: Next Generation, Established and Growing, and Digital DNA. Next Generation countries have online access, but are lacking in at least one of the following critical e-commerce components: 1) Internet accessibility, 2) logistical infrastructure, and 3) financial systems. Established and Growing markets have high Internet usage, but improvements to e-commerce logistics and strategies present opportunities for significant growth. Digital DNA nations have high Internet usage, an established culture of e-commerce innovation, and sophisticated e-commerce logistics, translating to a higher barrier to entry and less growth opportunity. This three-pronged framework will assist marketers in thinking about their hurdles and opportunities in global campaign development and execution.

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