Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fun with Legal

In setting up a mobile marketing campaign, one area that is very important but can be sometimes pushed to the background is the legal component.  It will obviously have to hit center stage at some point, and when it does, having fun with it can have a meaningful business impact.
For instance, when you have customers fill in their information, you will need to make a range of legal comments and get them to agree to certain items.  While doing this, and if it is relevant to your brand, you can add some funny commentary to help make the process not so mundane.  I was signing-up for one website and while I was going through the disclaimer section, it made the comment “Don’t worry.  We hate spam more than you.”  This simple comment was kind of funny in the context and made me feel a little happier.  I then noticed that I instantly associated that feeling with the brand.  It was not a huge deal but still very helpful I think as doing little things for your customers can go a long way.
I also read an article on the different aspects that you need to consider when developing your legal page.  Some of the high level categories include the following: 1) the choice you give customers to either opt-in or out, 2) letting them know how you will use the data being collected, 3) giving them control over when they can unsubscribe, and 4) ensuring them that the data is secure.  Making sure you cover these and other legal aspects will help protect your firm, and if you can make it fun for customers, it could help increase your business. 

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