Thursday, November 14, 2013

Linking Pinterest to Sales

According to new data released by social marketers, the value of a single pin on Pinterest is growing. Based on the research, today, a single pin generates approximately 75 cents in sales on average. That number is up ~25% from Q4 2012, according to Piqora. The reasoning behind this number is that a single pin can drive both page views as well as orders even several months after the original pinning.

On average, pinterest pins deliver 2 site visits, 6 page views, and more than 10 re-pins. This is more viral than Twitter where posts are retweeted ~1.4% of the time.

To attain these value stats on pinterest, Piqora engineers analyzed 1000 brands active on pinterest. While this does seem like a large sample size, obvious concerns include sample selection and biases that may be a result of the selection. Piqora's CEO Sharad Verma also noted, "Martha Stewart was getting 10x more traffic last year from pinterest than from facebook. So obviously, there are cases where a publisher or retailer in a visual space like food, fashion or home decor is very likely to be getting way over two site visits per pin."

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