Sunday, November 24, 2013

MLS Golazo!: Creating a Seamless Integration Between Social Media and the Fan Experience?

It’s been a number of months since Major League Soccer launched its new digital platform, Golazo!.  In short, Golazo! is a social content aggregator based around specific MLS games.  A feed of stats, highlights and social media posts are all aggregated to a single dashboard for each game.  Fans can follow along with the game, see highlights and stats but also see Twitter and Instagram postings from fans at the game.  This creates a viewing experience where fans at home can see the objective facts and highlights of the game alongside the subjective comments of fans.

The concept of Golazo! is interesting, but there is a question of whether people will go to Golazo! in order to consume social content surrounding games as they watch them.  If this is the case, Golazo! and other platforms that act as social media aggregators may find traction with advertisers.  Creating a platform where super fans can interject themselves into the conversation surrounding a game is extremely interesting and has the potential to elevate the game viewing experience (at home and maybe even in the stadium given technology capabilities).  Advertisers may want to be associated with this experience, and it may make sense for this association to go far beyond banner and display ads.  Golazo! presents an excellent opportunity for an advertiser to own a content medium instead of simply passively advertising on a site.  For the right price, advertisers can “own” Golazo! by branding it under their name.  This goes beyond a simple ad to really interject a brand with something which stands to be a major facet of the game experience for certain fans.

This angle for Golazo! extends to all similar platforms.  Possibilities for advertisers to move beyond passive ads to ownership of content should be explored whenever possible.  It provides advertisers with a much more powerful way to advertise, truly engaging fans and gaining an association with a powerful fan tool.

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