Monday, November 11, 2013

Picture-Based Native Advertising: Marketers, You Have a New Language to Learn

Instagram, twitter and many other companies are rapidly adopting and implementing image based advertising...but it seems that there is a fine line on getting it right.

While this could be a highly effective tool, cropping an advertising image just the right way and optimizing for different devices is proving to be more difficult than most expected. As the article states:

"Compose for the crop. An image that isn't composed to look good within the crop of Twitter's in-line preview is like an overlong tweet where the text gets chopped off. Not only does the incorrectly cropped picture fail to communicate effectively, it tells users that you don't "get it" -- the worst position to be in for a brand on social media."

Using social media ups the stakes and narrows the buffer room advertisers have for sloppy work. As technology progresses and the stakes become more and more heightened so do consumers and users expectations about the quality and personalization of the advertisements that they see. One new development that advertisers are taking advantage of is geo-positioning data to target which ads are shown based on the consumers location...very cool and powerful!

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