Sunday, November 03, 2013

Sunday Book Review: Writing Bytes

This week's New York Times Sunday Book Review is all about technology. One feature asks accomplished writers across genres how technology has affected storytelling and an interactive discussion sparks debate among readers on how technology has affected the reading experience. But in addition are a number of reviews for new books with topics ranging from Twitter and Amazon to the app generation and laziness in the Internet age. While the irony of books about the very technologies and platforms that are leading to their demise in the traditional print form was not lost on me, the list of new releases reveal how complex the relationship between humans and technology is and how the new digital world in which we live has truly represented a paradigm shift in society.

Below is a list of the books reviewed and, regardless of topic, all relate to the issues surrounding digital marketing today.

  • Smarter Than You Think by Clive Thompson
    "Has the Internet age made us lazy, or has it produced, as Clive Thompson says, a 'radical new style of human intelligence'?"
  • Focus by Daniel Goleman
    "Daniel Goleman explores the link between mental focus and success."
  •  Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton
    "Nick Bilton profiles the founders of Twitter and details their fight for control of the company."
  • Writing on the Wall by Tom Standage
    "Twitter and Facebook are just the latest incarnations of a tradition that dates back 2,000 years, Tom Standage says."

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