Sunday, November 03, 2013

There's No Escaping Display for Social Platforms

The bulk of advertising spend goes to paid search and native advertising is on the rise; however it appears that traditional display advertising is unavoidable, even for social media platforms.  According to Kantar Media, display grew at a rate of 5.3% in the first half of 2013 in the United States (much of the growth comes from the exchanges). From Facebook to Twitter to Google, all have turned towards monetizing display.

Facebook has offered display ads for years and with its push into mobile is now the leading platform for mobile display ads for products such as games and snacks.  Instagram, previously free from ads, has now begun to roll out display advertising.

Google, which has been in the display ads business since 2009, is the market leader in display advertising.  Yet, it is looking for other ways to further monetize display.  According to the article, Google has began testing banner ads in some organic search results this month. 

Twitter, a long proponent of native advertising, has recently made a large investment in mobile display via its acquisition of MoPub.  This acquisition allows Twitter to go beyond selling simple display ads to targeted display advertising and real-time bidding on assets.


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