Saturday, November 16, 2013

To have and to hold…but just for 3 seconds.

Snapchat.  I already feel like I’m too old to understand the profound appeal of this app.  Why do I need yet another channel to communicate with my friends and family? I already have text, email, FaceTime, Instagram, Twitter…My voice is heard! Or is it?

Snapchat’s user base has stepped up its game over the last year.  In June the company transacted a whopping 200 million photos/month, flash-forward to the present and that number has almost doubled at 350 million photos/month.  And the cherry on top is that Facebook just made a $3B offer for the non-revenue generating company…an offer that was the founders promptly rejected.  Where is the value? What are we missing? People have said that a platform that displays something for 3 seconds only to never be seen again will never generate revenue from an ad-centric business model.  But I’d like to challenge that assumption.  What is the value of the ad is actually increased from the fleeting nature of the interaction? What if customers become more engaged because they only see a hint of something and they want to know more?  I think there is something powerful about having the opportunity to experience something temporarily.  Think about how successful “limited time offers” are, or more generally, how scarcity drives up price.  The key risks are in measurement- How could advertisers measure the success of a particular campaign? Because content isn’t shared, does this drive up the production costs of each campaign?

Regardless of these challenges, it’s clear that the Snapchat phenomenon is something to watch.  If this is how to reach the lucrative teenage demographic, I trust that advertisers will find a way to make it work for them. 

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