Sunday, December 08, 2013

Indoor mapping and the iBeacon

It was announced recently that ~200m iPads currently have the right hardware and software to be switched on to become iBeacons. The iBeacon seems to be Apples long planned system that will assist in indoor mapping, and it is feasible that this will bring upon the next level of data analytics and marketing accuracy. Currently Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, the NSA etc all track and analyze every detail of your online lives. If accepted by consumers, this next level of technology may well be the link they are looking for in order to link your digital life with your offline life. Re-targeting can now occur when people visit stores of interest, or even if they stand looking at relevant products. Personally, this is rubbing up very close to the zone which makes me uncomfortable. I am convinced I will accidentally stop in front of medicine for some humiliating disease, and then have this product advertised to me the next time I am listening with friends to Spotify.

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