Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Sprint's Innovative Debut of its Latest Ad

The goal of every digital ad campaign these days is to go viral, right?  Well in a highly unusual move, Sprint is sending its latest ad to a single person’s Twitter feed.  The ad is the latest in a series of TV spots featuring acclaimed actors James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell reading everyday text messages.  The latest ad will debut on the Twitter feed of Danielle Gray, a proclaimed fan of the ads.  After 6 hours of exclusivity on Danielle’s Twitter feed, which only her limited number of followers can access, the ad will then go public on Sprint’s Facebook page.      

On the surface this is a puzzling marketing move.  But given Sprint’s marketing theme to celebrate the little, everyday exchanges between family and friends, it’s an innovative tactic that builds anticipation for the widespread release of the ad.        

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