Saturday, December 07, 2013

Working on Content

We have learned a variety of tactics in class about how to build an SEO strategy, including making sure you have appropriate descriptions, tags, and keywords that relate to what you are trying to accomplish.  We also discussed the importance of link building, social media engagement, and video development. 
The one component that has stood out for me has been the importance of creating valuable content.  I think it is very easy to become consumed by the numbers and the analytics and the latest strategy to make your business a success.  While all of these ideas are important, I think focusing on subject matter that is relevant and of interest to your customers is of even more importance.  Without strong substance, the business is bound to unwind.
So instead of spending time commenting on someone else’s blog for the sake of having a link between the two of you, I think it is more important to first hone and refine what you are publishing.  In the craziness of marketing, I imagine one could take this for granted.  However, I think continuing to first focus on one’s core strength and then working on other areas will help maintain a solid strategy. 

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