Saturday, June 21, 2014

Display Advertising: 4 common mistakes marketers make with banner ads

Display ad marketing is a great channel which might increase brand awareness and in turn increase conversion rate. However, people sometimes ignore banners or display ads consciously or subconsciously. With increasing banner blindness, marketers should be aware of how to create an appropriate ad which gives visitors incentives to make a click.

This article points out 4 common mistakes which markers should avoid.

Mistake #1- The ad doesn't attract attention:
The most important objective of your ad is to attract people’s attention. Here are some key elements: size, shape, color, motion, and position. For instance, you can be bold and use color to attract positive attention. As the webpage showed below, the red ad is standout from other ads and contents.

Mistake #2- The ad lacks value:
Building value to customers is also important. There are four key factors to measure the force of a value proposition: appeal, exclusively, credibility, and clarity. As a marketer, you should always ask yourself what you are offering, where people can get this offer, whether the ad is appealing or not.
This Traveling Dog ad banner might be a bad example because it doesn’t convey any message and value. People just know this is an ad and that is all.  

Mistake #3- The ad doesn't ask for the click … the right click:
Before asking for the click, in the banner you should make sure that visitors realize what they will get in exchange for the click. Try to use clear and precise slogan to attract the right customers!!

Mistake #4- The ad doesn't show continuity with the landing page:

You should ensure that the message in the banner ad is the same as that on your landing page. Otherwise, prospective customers might be confused and leave your website. Even though you have several claims, you need to achieve continuity and help visitors land on the right page.

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