Monday, June 30, 2014

Employers Care About Your Online Profiles More Than You Think

Remember what we discussed in class about your digital traces and whether you can hide them or not?  Well, you should think again. Especially in case you are looking for a job (which happens all the time)! Good news is that with the wide usage of social media, your chances of finding a job lay beyond LinkedIn and searching companies’ websites. We all have went through the process of searching the “careers” or “jobs” tab of our favorite companies, but now you can find a job opportunity even from Facebook.  
Recruiters are now looking at our social network profiles, using a candidate’s profile to assess whether they would be a good fit for the company.
LinkedIn is undoubtedly the largest social network for professionals and the most popular destination for employers seeking new hires, but we should not overlook the influence of Facebook and Twitter. You may wonder what should we post on Facebook and Twitter so we make a “good” social presence.

Based on surveys, recruiters look at these accounts to see an applicant's professional experience, whether they've made industry-related posts and to access how well they'd fit with the company's culture. Based on the following great infographic, it is interesting that recruiters are seeking for cultural fit and industry-related posts through Facebook, and for professional experience and specific hard skills on LinkedIn.
 It is a tradeoff since you have to be careful even on what you post on your personal profile and to limit the moments you share which annoys me. But we are the Millennials, what can we do!

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