Monday, June 23, 2014

Find Out 11 Things Kim Kardashian Does’t Want You to Know

Just kidding! I know this blog is for more lofty, intellectual topics than KK. 

If like me you are tired of once-quality journalistic publications resorting to the click bait of listicles, nostalgia news and cliff hanger titles, then you will enjoy this.

The Onion, an American digital publishers that specializes in news satire, has just launched Click Hole, a content site that intentionally satirizes viral ‘click bait’. 

On it you will find such clickable, shareable stories as “6 heads you never realized are also on Rushmore”, “Every Way the US can advance in the World Cup” and “How many of these Friends episodes have you seen?”

With the tag line “Because All Content Deserves to Go Viral”, this parody of engineers every post "to be as shareable as possible, so it spreads like a deadly wildfire on social media,” Jim Haggerty of the Onion told the New York Business Journal. 

Click here for more quality viral stories. You know you want to...

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