Saturday, June 28, 2014

Newsjacking: Increase your ‘bite size’ of the market

And then it happens again, to fulfill the vision of a wise gambler. With an odds of 175:1, Suarez bites for the 3rd time. This time he loses his sponsors, who are trying to distance themselves and minimize their loss of brand image.
But that was not the end of that story, this drove Twitter to go viral with almost 340k mentions. And brands didn't miss on this newsjacking opportunity.
That theme — bite this, not soccer players — was carried through by most brands who joined the fray. Below are few of the mentions:
·       Chew Trident. Not soccer players. #ITAvsURU — Trident Gum (@tridentgum) June 24, 2014
·       Hey @luis16suarez, if you’re that hungry, why not get your teeth stuck into something really tasty? — Nando’s (@NandosUK) June 24, 2014
·       If only Suarez had Whataburger before the game he wouldn’t be so hungry. — Whataburger® (@Whataburger) June 24, 2014
·       Someone get #Suarez a burger. #ITAvsURU — Red Robin (@redrobinburgers) June 24, 2014
·       Hey @luis16suarez. Next time you‘re hungry just grab a Snickers. #worldcup #luissuarez #EatASNICKERS — SNICKERS® (@SNICKERS) June 24, 2014
One might assume that only food or dental products company would join this bandwagon. JC Penny, with no related products, went with this pun, that fell flat.
·       Fangs for the memories, Uruguay. #URU — JCPenney (@jcpenney) June 24, 2014


Question is can Suarez piggy back on this social media stream to create a cool approach to damage control? 

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