Sunday, June 29, 2014

Small Business Solution – what’s next for digital marketing?

The article presents one of the greatest challenges confronted small business owners everyday - while marketing automation tools like CRM  will be able to generate follow-ups with customers in order to produce potential new businesses,  where does the database of such contacts come from ?

As Qureshi’s another article what digital marketing tool to use and when mentioned, it is crucial that “ you need to get contacts and email addresses before yo you start.” Different from large-scale businesses, such as hospitality groups, airline business or banking industry which has maintained a magnitude of customer information, small business owners can’t usually access such a contact list. Additionally, some of the marketing automation tools even set up a minimal  number of contact information to get started. And noted here is that the contact information here mainly refers to email contact, where most of the sales information will be sent. And echoing with last week’s guest speaker, email is still considered to be one of the most used marketing tool to get information across to potential users across different age groups and consumption habits.

Therefore, the big question is how to gain a potential customer database. The article is suggesting the small business shall provide discounts or gift cards to people who are interested in their service or products through various marketing channels in exchange for their contact information. Also, friends referral is also a very useful and efficient way to follow up, as small business can then access the customer groups which are quite proxy to the existing ones. The key to enlarging customer database here is by providing adequate financial incentive for people to access their information, in an effort to encourage potential consumption. It might also be helpful, somehow to do a greater financial analysis especially after a few months of initial opening period in the hope of a fast database build-up phase. Whether to do it, and how to do it in a more financially viable way are also worth considering. 

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