Friday, July 04, 2014

8% of Digital Marketers Would Increase Ad Spend for Digital Branding

Here is a piece of news, revealing that most companies would increase Digital Ad in the future.
MediaBrix, the leading advertising and services platform for social and mobile games, today announced new findings from a survey conducted by Millward Brown Digital, which polled 300 digital marketing decision makers at Fortune 5000 companies and leading advertising agencies in the United States. Key findings indiciate that digital marketing decision makers allocate their budgets fairly evenly across digital advertising formats. However, 88 percent said that making emotional connections through digital media would encourage them to spend more on digital branding campaigns. The survey also found that 30 percent of digital marketers believe that ads purchased through programmatic methods produce negative customer experiences that damage brand loyalty or negate their branding objectives in other ways.
As to digital marketers' chief concerns, 37 percent stated that "banner blindness" concerns them most when buying brand ads purchased through programmatic methods, such as ad exchanges or agency trading desks. "Banner blindness" is defined as when visitors to a website, mobile website or mobile app consciously or subconsciously ignore banner-like or advertising information. This concern topped others, including quality of inventory, viewability, click fraud, ad collision or fraudulent traffic.
However, 81 percent of respondents indicated that targeting users based on their emotions, or emotional targeting, would help address the issue of banner blindness.
"The Millward Brown Digital survey confirms that making emotional connections is extremely important to digital marketers, while ads bought through programmatic methods can be damaging for brands," says Ari Brandt, CEO and Co-founder, MediaBrix. "Programmatic clearly has a place within digital media, but the industry has not addressed quality and effectiveness. Until that time, seemlessly integrating ads during emotional moments -- that fortify a brand's relationships with users and add to the overall experience -- is the most powerful and effective form of advertising in existence."
View an infographic containing key highlights from the survey.
View a presentation of the full Millward Brown Digital survey results.
Methodology Millward Brown Digital surveyed 300 digital marketing decision makers over the age of 25 who work at a Fortune 5000 company or advertising agency in the United States. The research was fielded between April 14, 2014 and April 20, 2014.

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