Saturday, July 26, 2014

Advanced B2B Strategies for Hyper-Targeted Marketing Campaigns

There are many new ways to make your marketing strategy more precisely and more efficiently. However, generating comprehensive marketing ideas is still difficult for every advertiser. As the article reveals, more than 60 percent of all email opens are on mobile devices, and many people spend more than 12 hours in front of a screen per day. Obviously, mobile has becoming a more and more popular marketing tool. However, B2B companies haven’t seen the value of this advertising option.
This article addresses finding people and engaging with them, acquiring their email address, cookie-ing them for retargeting, and using lead scoring to determine their sales-readiness. PPC and SEO are widely used options but still exist some drawbacks. The author then recommends some campaigns which advertisers can try out.

Trade Show Hyper-Targeted Campaigns
Regarding B2B trade shows, they are not only expensive, but also inefficient. It is hard for companies to engage people or potential customers and is difficult to target the ideal group. Now, companies like “Marin Software” and “Criteo” allow for a new type of dynamic hyper-targeted advertising. Here are a few ways to use mobile for a larger impact at trade shows:

1. The Cheapskate: besides the expensive booths, companies could try a hyper-local, mobile geo-fencing campaign. At the trade show, most people are on their cell phones. By buying up the mobile advertising in a geo-targeted area, firms are able to meet the right person at the right time. This is a more cost-efficient channel than a booth.

2. The After-Party: In contrast to handing out flyers, geo-targeting via mobile allows companies to invite customers to after-party with the time and the place the party is on.

3. The Pre-Game: Another benefit is that users can narrow down the clients they want to hit. Through account-based marketing (ABM), advertisers can break into accounts you want and use tools like Demandbase or Bizo to advertise only to that account. Trying to use ABM before a trade show, an appointment or a call, advertisers can easily increase people’s interests and engagement.

4. Twitter Made the Video Star: On the basis of historical data, Video was the most-shared content on Twitter in 2013. AC Nielsen reported that 80 percent of all Twitter users access the site via a mobile device. The author suggests that advertisers use a video-hosting tool, such as Wisita or Vidyard, achieving greater impact of the campaign than using each individually.

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