Monday, July 21, 2014

Enterprise Technology
I find this topic very interesting as corporate technology has almost always been behind consumer and individual technology in terms of development.  The seemingly antiquated devices used in enterprise electronics have not evolved nearly as quickly as consumer electronics.  It begs the question of when the next wave of innovation for this segment occur.  Devices such as scanners used by supermarkets, inventory tracking devices and courier log devices look bulky and outdated, but seem to be adequate for the job.  Is there a large need at this point in time for improved and more efficient technology in these industries. 

It is almost as if we accept the fact that this area of enterprise technology has been stagnant for so long, or at the very least, we do not think much of it.  Whenever I see a UPS or FedEx delivery employee I notice those bulky courier trackers they carry.  It seems so large and one dimensional in functionality.  This article poignantly states that there is a need for a compatible operating system, and how this would enable a smoother and more urgent transition to more efficient and compact technology.  It will be interesting to see how enterprise technology evolves over the next decade as new consumer technologies are being developed at a much faster rate.

The second article touches on the idea of  how large corporations are adapting new software platforms in order to increase operating efficiency as a result of emerging trends in mobile, hybrid-cloud architecture and software defined products.  Enterprises are seeking cloud solutions that meet or exceed needs for cost savings, business agility and data security.

"Organizations across a variety of industries turned cloud into reality through Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), after realizing the benefits including faster application development, reduced costs, and the ability to turn software into a revenue-generating business."


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