Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Facebook: 62% of Its Ad Money Comes from Mobile

Facebook's earnings have been steadily increasing over the past few years, and the record shows Facebook earned $2.68 billion in second quarter ad revenue. Out of $2.68 billion, 62% of it comes from mobile. More and more percentage of Facebook's daily and monthly active users cheek out the social network on their phones or tablets. The record indicates that 30% of its monthly users only check out Facebook on their tablets or smartphones.

Only after two years since it launched its first mobile ads and build a mobile strategy, Facebook became a giant mobile company. Facebook has been acquiring many mobile apps, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, that strengthened their mobile platform. Although Facebook may still be successful as a mobile only company, it is doing best as a mix of desktop and mobile. While mobile ads has brought significant amount of earnings, the earnings from desktop-only ads have increased as well.

To better capitalize from its desktop platform, Facebook recently added new options for its ad services, adding video ads and offering a new way to target Facebook users based on what sites they check out outside of Facebook. As there is a limit on capitalizing from the ads, Facebook has looked into other strategies as well.

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