This is actually the piece I'm working on for our team project. Instead of having a normal business client, we are developing a digital marketing strategy for a rock band.I did quite some research on the Facebook channel, as it is almost the most important platform for musicians to gather audience and market their music. During my readings, I find some part is extremely useful, which points out very useful but easy-to-be-ignored tips.
Facebook, the biggest of the social networks, is arguably the most difficult for musicians to navigate and use effectively for music promotion. So let’s break it down and focus on the things you can do to optimize your Facebook band page and make the best use of this platform in your social media marketing.
Make the best use of the four apps
Combine content for best results
1. Photos
2. Videos
3. Links
4. Text
Obviously these can be combined in many number of ways. This actually leads to some amazing opportunities to strengthen engagement.
Create your own custom lists
As you can see in Figure 1, every Facebook band page has four apps (or buttons) that appear just below the timeline banner image, and just to the right of the profile image.
These buttons can be customized by the page admin, allowing you to rearrange and even replace the standard apps with those that will actually engage your fans.
For example, one of the standard apps is a “Likes” button that shows how many likes you have on your page. Considering this number is also displayed directly below your Page name, this is a wasted opportunity to add value to your page. This app should be replaced immediately upon starting your page with something like a Music Store page
The other apps should reflect your social media marketing strategy. If videos (specifically YouTube) play a big hand in your content strategy, then you should have a video app. If Pinterest or Instagram are more important to your everyday content strategy, add an Instagram or Pinterest focused app. The idea is to make each one of these apps an opportunity to engage with your fans and convert them to becoming more loyal to your overall brand.
And one more tip: EVERY Facebook band page should have a newsletter or email sign up. The only way to ensure that you get to keep the contact info of your Facebook page fans is to add a call to action in the form of an app that offers something (be it an exclusive track, video, etc.) in exchange for your fans’ direct email addresses.
There are four major types of content that can be published to Facebook:
Photos are the most commonly engaged-with content on Facebook. The evidence for this can be found in the fact that Facebook has made images as big and eye-catching as possible in your news feed while spending a fortune ($1 billion) buying Instagram.
By combining content types, you have the opportunity to post a photo with a link to a blog post or sales page, not only greatly increasing the chances that your link will even be seen, but that it will actually be clicked upon.
Trying to get others to engage with you is only half the battle. The other is your own ability to effectively engage with your fans (or bloggers you are trying to connect with, etc.). To do this, you have two options: either let the posts come as determined by the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm, or take control of what you do and don’t see by using lists.
You see, EdgeRank is an ingenious method for delivering and displaying content, but it really only serves a purpose for news feeds that have become cluttered by too many posts at any time from friends and pages. By creating your own lists, you are in essence creating your own algorithm for displaying content on your news feed.
You can create lists of super fans, fans in certain locations, bloggers in different niches, etc. To do so, from the “Home” page, scroll down on the left sidebar and find the “Friends” section (you might have to click the “More” header to see it), hover over the “Friends” header and click the “More” button that appears on the right. You will be brought to a screen where you can create and edit friend lists.
Click “Create List,” give it a name and then start adding in your friends. Note: you must be friends with the people you add to lists. Pages are not allowed to be added to lists.
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