Tuesday, July 08, 2014

I can't believe the government is reading my emails.

With the endless number of emails we get everyday, does it surprise anyone that many of them remain unread, get 'prioritized down' or go directly into the trash?

However, the point about email privacy, or a lack thereof, is valid, as can also be seen from the following sources:

But worry not, innovation is underway...in Germany!

...and I wouldn't be surprised if in other places as well. In case you are still looking, making communication & data transfer easier and safer seems to be a great start-up idea. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Worry not, or worry just a little?

    Great post!

    I recently read an article (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=25016902&postID=3866506527324836154) that the NSA can track whether you use or even search for the kind of software you mention. If you download them or even show an interest in "protecting yourself" from the NSA, your name gets jotted down.

    If you remember from class, I personally have no qualms with the scanning of my emails by the government. But in case anyone is, the software mentioned here are likely not a solution...


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