Wednesday, July 09, 2014

LiveRail: targeted advertising for the masses

News of Facebook's acquisition of LiveRail filtered through on Tuesday morning, and while the reaction in the media has been generally more subdued compared to the euphoria surrounding the purchases of Whatsapp and Oculus, the strategic importance of the acquisition should not be underestimated.

The online and mobile ad sector has been growing rapidly in recent years (more than £1bn was spent on mobile ads in the UK alone in 2013, a rise of 93% on the previous year), and with TV and print budgets shifting increasingly online, the battle for client dollars between whoever can target ads best is hotting up. The LiveRail acquisition will give Facebook a big advantage in its bid to attract a wave of online video advertisers who are looking for a more sophisticated way to profile their target audiences.

The emergence of LiveRail and other similar type platforms like Google's AdMob and Apple's iAds is also good news for consumers. With more relevant video advertising, the days of sprawling Viagra commercials gracing our computer screens may now be finally behind us.


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