Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Marketing or market research? Facebook #fail

If you are someone who conducts market research, you know that people get a little creeped out when you start "surveying" them instead of just "talking" to them. As a researcher, you are trying to put the subject at ease but in the end, it's never quite the same since they know you are going to use that information...potentially for evil.

The Facebook study revealed to the world this week showed what happens when marketing and market research collide and go awry. Why exactly do people share their data on the web when in aggregate, almost no one would prefer that anyone have access to this data except the people they are explicitly sharing with?

It comes down to lack of options, network effects and the price: zero.

Consumers needs to vote with their actions. It's time to turn off Facebook and start going back to a world where not everything was open.

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