Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Organic growth in Twitterverse

Twitter suggest consistent and interactive tweet to penetrate more into the twitterverse. @TridentGum saw a 5X greater follower base by tweeting almost 3X per day. Of the top 200 brands how drove highest organic reach most relevant goals were:
  • Leverage real-time cultural moments like live sports events, awards shows or trending conversations.
  • Mention influencer usernames with large followings or high-volume hashtags in Tweets.
  • Include auto-expanded photos or videos paired with short, conversational copy.
New Analytics tool released by Twitter adds more into the arsenal of tools. 
With this new dashboard you can:
  • See how your Tweets are performing in real time.
  • Compare impressions (times a Tweet is viewed by anyone on Twitter web and Android or iOS apps, including logged-out users), total engagements and Retweets month over month.
  • Use the Tweet details page to see how many Retweets, replies, favorites, follows, link clicks and embedded media clicks each Tweet received.
  • Export your Tweet performance metrics into a CSV file, which now includes both organic and promoted data.
Twitter also suggested Tweet activity dashboard best practices :
  • Pay attention to when you tweet. Note which time of day and day of the week yields the highest engagement and impressions.
  • Analyze the frequency of your Tweets. Use your new insights to determine your Tweet cadence.
  • Identify what Tweet mechanics work, and which aren’t as effective. Keep an eye on elements like different calls to action, the inclusion of rich media and copy length.

    Source :
  • http://techcrunch.com/2014/07/11/twitter-analytics-dashboard/
  • https://blog.twitter.com/2014/introducing-organic-tweet-analytics
  • https://twitter.com/hashtag/analytics

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