Monday, July 21, 2014

PINTEREST - the new way to do marketing


Pinterest is a new social media, where users can share images online, pin them and organize them in differents categories.

As Facebook, linked in and twitter, this new media is helpful to drive people to companies websites

How can be Pinterest  useful for a business?

Companies can use Pinterest  to increase brand awareness. Through photos or boards related to interesting topics, they can catch the attention of the Pinterest users that will start following  them.
A combination of great pictures with an interesting content can inspire and appeal the interest of the users of Pinterest.  This content can additionally link to the home webpage of the company, to increase the flow of visitors.

Pinterest has also ,as Facebook does, some metrics to control the success of your pictures. This tool helps us to understand  which pins have the most click through to the company website and  how many times a blogspost for a webpage has been pinned. This information is available through Pinterest Pin count tool and Pinterest free web analytical tool.

Some examples

Four Seasons is one of the most successful examples as how a business can share images in Pinterest to create experiences and promote their hotels. They have actually 25,623 followers and  153 pins. Their visual content goes from  photos of dishes of their restaurants to images of their hotels and amenities. This marketing strategy has helped them to increase awareness in this new channel.

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