Monday, July 28, 2014

Skimming through the news I ran into this interesting article on what digital marketing activities should be done in-house or outsourced to digital marketing agencies. The article covers a series of activities like content creation, digital marketing strategy and design. I wanted to highlight and make some emphasis  on the main points done by the author on what activities should ALWAYS be kept in-house.

The author first of all says that content creation should always be done by your marketing department. Design and how you lay it out online can be outsourced, but there is no one out there that can better know what you want to pass through to your customers.

Another good point the author does, is in differentiating between digital marketing strategy and its implementation. He says companies should always develop their strategy in-house, as it makes no sense to go out there to look for someone to help you with digital marketing if you still do not know what you want to achieve and who do you want to reach through it. Once this is define, go look out there for someone to implement it, but never let a third party establish what you should be looking for.

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