Monday, July 21, 2014

Solving real-time constraint on Facebook

Facebook introduced an Instapaper-like feature on Monday called Save that lets people bookmark links, photos and videos shared on the social network and check them out later.After users save a post on Facebook, they can pull up a new "Saved" tab to view their stockpile of time-delayed content. A person's saved content will remain private unless he or she decides to share it with their friends.

This is a way to increase the advertising power of Facebook: users won’t be limited anymore to see and understand the advertisement real time but they will be able to recall later.

This features will be useful to consumer but the advertisers will not be able to see who saved a given ad or page post (facebook spokesman said).

Probably this feature in the future will be accessed by advertisers in exchange of extra-fees, another way to increase Zuckerberg net worth.

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