Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Targeting B2B in Facebook

Last week in class we got great insights on successful tools and tactics to gain in Social Media. Lucky enough I got a copy of the book Likeable Social Media from the very Dave Kerpen and want to share this very interesting piece with you. Think of B2B… Thought of LinkedIn?

Certainly a great vehicle. In addition, or substitution, successful B2B campaigns managed to get the attention of brand managers and decision makers in specific companies (i.e. Neutrogena) by targeting Facebook ads to them. The purpose of the ads is to build awareness of the B2B brand so when the time comes a few weeks later that the manager has to make a decision, the B2B company comes top of mind. But remember, you are targeting people, not companies!

How? In Facebook select the targeted company and position under “Workplace” and “Job Title”.
Read how it worked for Likeable:
Source: Likeable social media, from Dave Kerpen, McGraw Hill, 2011 edition, page 30.

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