Wednesday, July 09, 2014

UK Digital trends for 2014 (by eMarketer)

1) The Digital Audience: Multidevices change the Game
Smartphones and tables are now part of everyone's life. Smartphone penetration in the UK surpassed the 50% barrier, and tablet is already close to 40%.
Time spent in digital media is expected to surpass the time spent on TV during 2014, mainly driven by time on mobile devices.
UK kids are already using many devices to go online, so this trend is expected to become more and more important.


2) Ecommerce Pushes the Limits with Mobile
Customer journey has become more complex with mobile.
Trigger, research and purchase are now part of a complex journey through multiple touch-points and devices.
Mobile shopping and spending is increasing rapidly, but the device sales are mainly in big screens, such as laptops, desktops or, in a smaller scale, tablets.

3) Big Data—Much Talk, Little Action?
Although Big Data initiatives are increasing, the progress is estimated to be still slow in the next years.

The main reasons pointed out for the slow pace related with data integration and data crunching, namely:

  • 47% cited lack of resources / time
  • 46% had data in disparate systems / locations, or too much data
  • 36% lacked useful data
  • 30% had no suitable analytical systems

4) Real time advertising and content creation: Top agenda items for brands

The graph below shows that 20% of UK content marketers spent at least 50% of their budget on content marketing in 2013.

Social media was a major focus for content marketers, with Twitter and LinkedIn surprisingly surpassing Facebook in terms of usage.

Closing remarks
By all these interesting results, some quick ideas come to my mind

  • Big Data seems to be a clear opportunity for new businesses - if companies have struggling with analysing their data why not outsource it?
  • eCommerce is getting big, but mobile still presents some challenges. Are companies doing enough? Who will win this marathon?
  • Content creation is the focus of marketers, how far can our imagination go?

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