Thursday, July 17, 2014

User created virality

In the course of a month, three entities have stated the following: if you give power to the users to change, modify, create and share your brand, you will have a better chance of your message being spread:
-          Redbull records authorizes fans to create versions of the music video and share it on online platforms and share profits with the end users
-          Airbnb gave the internet users to go and modify, comment on their new logo
-          Psy has asked JamCam to crowdsource his latest music video and will include the content in the official video based on number of views

The success is not guaranteed but it would seem that it is a game of numbers. Out of the thousands of knock offs of the awol video, only 2 managed to come out of the lot. And in order for the creators to take interest in your brand and content, you already need to have a presence and significant reach.

Although very potent, user based virality might not be available to everyone.

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