Saturday, July 19, 2014

When to send marketing emails to Norwegian bartenders in their 70s

Mailchimp came up with a couple of interesting findings from analyzing the data of over 10 billion email they send out every month. In particular, the looked at the timing when people open their emails. The graphs below show their analyses for age groups, geographies and professions:

College aged recipients have an optimal time of 1 p.m. versus 10 a.m. for the older two categories. College students during the summer likely drag themselves out of bed later and check their email later than older folks.

During the summer months, Norway has a very long day, so the distribution of the optimal send times for Norwegian addresses plateaus out from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. while a country like Egypt experiences a more pronounced fall after typical business hours.

Lawyers have a well-defined workday in which they optimally engage with email marketing at 9 am. Bartenders roll out of bed later and aren’t fully engaging until noon. Neonatal nurses on the other hand have little of a pronounced optimum. Rather, they work night and day and their distribution of optimal send times blurs into a plateau all the way past 10 p.m.


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