Sunday, August 10, 2014

Snapchat is more popular among college students than Facebook

The study found that while 70% of college students report posting on Snapchat at least once a day, only 11% report posting on Facebook with the same frequency.
Sumpto, a New York-based marketing company that helps brands connect with college students, conducted the study. It polled nearly 2,000 undergraduate students from hundreds of campuses in the U.S.
Result: as in another study reported earlier this year, Snapchat rules on college campuses.
The students reported Snapchat as their frequently used app, with 70% of students reporting they use the app one or more times a day. Twitter also had high engagement with the students — 46% reported posting on Twitter at least once a day. But when it came to Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram, just over 10% reported posting on those networks with the same frequency.
Meanwhile Slingshot, Facebook's pretty but somewhat baffling version of Snapchat, is not doing well with college students. Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the students polled use Facebook, only 2% said they had downloaded Slingshot.
As far as what's in store for these apps, 76% of those polled said they would they would use a group messaging feature (despite 46% saying they had never used the app's text messaging feature) and 45% said they would use discovery features that would help connect them with new people and content.
Snapchat has been experimenting with new features targeted towards brands and events. The company introduced branded filters earlier this year before rolling out stories, a group sharing feature for live events.

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